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PI: Steve Inskeep

  • Clean up is under way in cities around the world after a weekend of protests. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest, among other things: greedy bankers, inept politicians, government austerity cuts and the growing gap between rich and poor.
  • Severe flooding in Pakistan's Sindh Province has affected eight million people, and covered millions of acres of cropland. This disaster follows last year's epic floods, which were also in southern Pakistan. The country is also dealing with the fallout of an accusation by a top American military official that Pakistan's intelligence agency supported insurgent attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.
  • The relationship between Pakistan and the United States is becoming increasingly more complicated. Officials from both countries have stepped up public criticism of each others foreign policy, and Pakistan's prime minister won't be attending the gathering of world leaders this week at the United Nations General Assembly.
  • President Obama will send his recommendations regarding his jobs proposal to the supercommittee on Monday. On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner asked the group not to consider raising taxes to fund a jobs measure.