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KANW Privacy Policy

Online Privacy Policy

KANW-FM values your participation in our public radio community, both online and offline, and assures you that your privacy is a priority to us. The KANW-FM web site adheres to a strict policy for ensuring the privacy of your personally idenifiable information (such as full name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and/or other identifiable information) and preserving the integrity of this online medium.

KANW-FM never sells, exchanges or lends to third parties any email or telephone information you provide when making a Membership.

When You Make an Online Membership Pledge

KANW-FM will ask you to provide the information necessary to process and service your membership pledge: name, billing and shipping address, telephone number, email address, and credit card number. This information is only seen by our membership staff who process your gift.


When you contribute to KANW-FM online, the information you provide is encrypted using a Secure Socket Layer certificate (SSL) and transferred using secure protocol to KANW-FM where it is stored in a secure database.